Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Worth the wait.

That moment when your eyes meet mine. The look that explain your sincere feeling without you even saying a word.

Can i stop the time?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

That's So You

That grateful feeling...
when you're having a bad day....
and someone is trying so hard to cheer you up.

It's not about the jokes...
or the laughter...
it's the picture of them
giving such efforts
just to assure you 
that everything's going to be alright

I feel blessed.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lebih Indah :)

Dan kau hadir merubah segalanya 
Menjadi lebih indah
Kau bawa cintaku setinggi angkasa
Membuatku merasa sempurna
Dan membuatku utuh tuk menjalani hidup
Berdua denganmu selama-lamanya
Kaulah yang terbaik untukku