Friday, November 11, 2011

Small Things About Me.

I don't like wearing my watch when i'm all sweating and the weather is freaking hot. I'll just put it off.
I don't eat vegetables.
I don't drink mineral water.
I love pink, any kind of it.
I never wash my hand before I eat.
I love to let my self all involved in my current mood, when I'm having a bad day I'll listen to mellow songs. And so does when I'm happy.
I don't like to sleep. Mostly i go to bed after 12 am and wake up at 5.30 am no matter what.
I get thirsty a lot. And will easily get annoyed when I don't have anything to drink. (Mineral water excluded)
I don't like catching other's eyes while talking. I freaking hate eyes. That's why I don't like being the center of attention.
I am good at talking. So you better watch your words or else, i'll just reverse the situation and might make you feels stupid. *wink*
I get bored easily.
I observe people. So don't be surprised if I could guess your current favorite song, or mood, or even further, personality.
I get offended easily, and might do bad things when it happen.
I am not a decision maker. I don't do decision. I hate decision. You may laugh at it, but that's just how it is.
I speak English fluently, and a man with a good English never fails me.
I hate talking about politics, economics and other smart things. I may know a bit, but I won't talk about it that much.
I don't do small talks.
I love sweet things, i pay attention to other's kindness to me. And will repay it one day. In a way that you yourself might not realize that I'm giving back what should be yours.
I joke, i dance, i sing loudly. Not that i have a good voice though.

If you already knew most of these things, then THANK YOU. 
You've observed me well. 
I feel honored.